Friday, February 28, 2014

Narrow Calf Boots, I Know Where toBuy Them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If the Boot Fits!!
Skinny Calf Boots Yay!!!

In case you don't know..............  I just really want a nice boot, preferably leather, that will stay up on my leg
like every other self respecting grown woman would expect it to. I am 5'4", 112-115lbs. I am trying my hardest to gain weight, but to no avail.  

 Well, let me tell you, I have searched high and low and every place in between for that perfect fitting boot. I have combed thousands of pages of web space only to find boots that are too big or too expensive. I have called cobblers in my state and have been told, "sorry we don't take in boots." 

What's a girl to do? Well,(wait for it, I know you're getting anxious, LOL). 
Okay, here is the discovery that is about to change my little legged, saggy boot life!

I found a website called Slim Calf . This incredible website sells boots for everyone, not just slim jim legs like me. The awesome,(I could say that about a million times I'm so happy) part about the site is that they offer  A BOOT SLIMMING SERVICE.....yes, that's what I said, A BOOT SLIMMING SERVICE!!!!!!!

You order the boot from them, they carry lots of different brands, and then you pay an extra $35 fee for the boot to be slimmed out to fit your tiny little leg. You fill out a customization form. I believe, don't quote me on this, you may be able to have your boots widened also, not so sure about that, it was just kind of the vibe I got when reading the description. Honestly, that was the last thing I was thinking about so I probably didn't pay it as close attention because they offer  A BOOT SLIMMING SERVICE.  Sorry about that, you don't know how friggin happy I am about this. I haven't ordered anything yet, but I am about to have my calves measured and get to ordering. 

There is also They offer this service for large or small calves but they are a bit pricey. Slim Calf Boot. com is very affordable. 

Of course I will keep you posted and post pictures of my boots and how they fit me.
Let me know how you like the site, and post if you have any sites like it, I am forever looking for a boot that fits and won't break the bank. 

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